Policies for StudentsAll students at the Warner School of Education and Human Development are subject to school and university policies, including the following: Academic Honesty Policy Academic honesty is considered a central responsibility of all students at the University of Rochester, and cases of academic dishonesty will be dealt with seriously. You may read the entire policy online on page 20 of the Regulations and University Policies Concerning Graduate Studies:You must guard against plagiarism. Plagiarism can involve:Using, whether deliberately or unintentionally, an idea or quotation from another source without providing citation of that source. Anything that was not your original idea must be acknowledged in your footnotes or in your paper.Using another student’s work, even if not a whole paper, and submitting it as your own. You should speak with your instructor before drawing heavily even from a paper you yourself wrote for another class; if you use the same paper for more than one class without permission to do so, this could be considered academic dishonesty. Obtaining an exam or other similar confidential information and either using it yourself or sharing it with others or using unauthorized notes during a test would constitute academic dishonesty. Should you falsify data or results to help yourself or someone else, this would be considered academic dishonesty. A more obscure form of academic dishonesty the University notes relates to the misuse of resource materials: “Any act that maliciously hinders the use of or access to library materials is academically dishonest and falls under the terms of this policy.” (see online Policy on page 36 of Regulations and University Policies Concerning Graduate Studies) Tearing pages from a journal or book, removing books from the library without checking them out, failing to return reserve readings, etc. could all be considered academically dishonest. Complaint/Grievance/Petition Policy The school follows due process in cases of complaints, grievances and petitions. First, the aggrieved candidate contacts his or her advisor for consultation and possible resolution. Second, if unsatisfied, the candidate contacts his or her chair, who can make an administrative decision to resolve the matter if it is within his or her purview. Third, if the candidate is dissatisfied with the chair’s decision or if the issue is outside of the chair’s purview, the candidate contacts the associate dean of graduate studies. The associate dean has the option of making an administrative decision to resolve the matter if it is within his or her purview. Lastly, if the candidate is dissatisfied with the associate dean’s decision or if the issue is outside of the associate dean’s purview, the candidate contacts the dean of the school. Due process ends with the decision of the dean. Candidates whose grievance is with an individual charged with stewarding the process (e.g., the program chair) shall proceed to the next level of appeal (i.e., the associate dean of graduate studies). At any given level, grievances will be addressed within two calendar weeks. Continuous Enrollment Policy The University of Rochester enforces a Continuous Enrollment Policy that requires that all students enrolled in a degree-bearing program be registered each fall and spring until they graduate (this policy does not mandate that you register during the summer term, unless your degree program requires it):If you need to take a fall or spring off you should apply for a leave of absence or register for:ED895~Continuation of Master’s Enrollment ED995~Continuation of Doctoral Enrollment Be aware that these registrations do not qualify you for student loans or loan deferment and do come with a fee; see the Tuition, Fee & Refund Schedule for details.If you are at the end of your program and no longer need hours to complete your degree, you may register for one of the following each fall and spring until you complete your degree:ED898~Master’s Thesis: Half-Time ED899~Master’s Thesis: Full-Time ED899B~Master’s Thesis: Abroad ED998~Doctoral Dissertation: Half-Time ED999~Doctoral Dissertation: Full-Time ED999B~Doctoral Dissertation: Abroad ED895~Continuation of Master’s Enrollment ED995~Continuation of Doctoral Enrollment Note 1: these registrations can be used an unlimited number of times before you graduate.Note 2: these registrations can also be combined with research hours or other courses to bring you up to either half-time or full-time enrollment, allowing you to take out and/or defer student loans.Note 3: these registrations require that you pay the Mandatory Health Fee charged all full-time students; you will also be required to either enroll in the UR Student Health Insurance or provide proof of equivalent private insurance.Note 4: these registrations can be used twice all by themselves before you graduate OR up to a total of four (4) times in combination with other credit bearing registrations.Note 5: these registrations can be used four (4) times all by themselves before you graduate OR up to a total of eight (8) times in combination with other credit bearing registrations.Be aware that even if you are finished with all your coursework and need no more hours, you must still be continuously enrolled each fall and spring until you graduate.If you are unsure which of the above options to choose and which might be the least expensive option for you in your situation, you may contact the Warner School of Education Registrar for assistance.Audits and 0-hour Dissertation Seminars do not meet requirements for Continuous Enrollment. Emergency or Temporary Closings Emergency or Temporary Closings and Other Changes in Class Schedules and University Operations. The University plans to commence and conclude classes on the dates indicated in the academic calendars. But unforeseen circumstances or events may occur that require the University to temporarily close or otherwise make adjustments to its student life, residential housing, class schedules and format, method and location of instruction, educational activities, and operations because of reasons beyond the University's control. For example, such circumstances or events may include but are not limited to inclement weather, the onset of public health crises, being subject to government order(s), significant safety or security concerns, faculty illness, strikes, labor disturbances, sabotage, terrorism, war, riot, civil unrest, fire, flood, earthquake, acts of God, malfunction of University equipment (including computers), cyberattacks, unavailability of particular University facilities occasioned by damage to the premises, repairs or other causes, as well as disruption/unavailability of utilities, labor, energy, materials, transportation, electricity, security, or the internet. If any of these or other unforeseen circumstances or events outside of the University's control occur, the University will respond as necessary and appropriate, and it assumes no liability for any interruption or adjustments made to student life, residential housing, class schedules and format, method and location of instruction, educational activities, and operations caused by these or other unforeseen circumstances or events. And the University shall not be responsible for the refund of any tuition or fees in the event of any such unforeseen circumstances or events, except as may otherwise be expressly provided in the University's Leave of Absence and Withdrawal Policy or its published tuition refund schedule (Payments and Refunds - Office of the Bursar (rochester.edu)). Grade Appeal Policy A student may initiate an appeal within six weeks following the recording of a grade by the registrar. The student begins the appeal process by writing to the instructor, program chair, and the associate dean of graduate studies the specific and substantial reasons for the appeal. The instructor has the option of resolving the appeal with the student, or advising the student to continue the appeal. The instructor is required to justify his or her decision in writing to the student, program chair and associate dean of graduate studies. If the student chooses to pursue his or her appeal, the documents prepared for the instructor, along with any new information (in writing), is forwarded by the student to the program chair and associate dean of graduate studies. The program chair has the option of resolving the appeal in consultation with the instructor and student. If this process is not satisfactory from the student’s perspective, the student updates any documentation with new information, including the instructor’s justification and the program chair’s evaluation and recommendation, and forwards all information to the associate dean of graduate studies. The associate dean has the option of making an administrative decision or continuing the investigation of the case. The associate dean o may make the decision to change the student’s grade at this point. If the associate dean decides to change the student’s grade, the instructor in the course must be consulted before the formal grade change is made. If associate dean determines further investigation is necessary, he or she will call all parties together, individually or as a group. If the student is not satisfied with the associate dean’s decision, he or she has the option of continuing the appeal, by forwarding all relevant materials collected to the dean of the Warner School of Education. The appeal process ends with the dean's decision. The outcome of this process may be an upward grade change or no change; the student cannot be awarded a lower grade than initially given by the instructor. Students who appeal a grade that has led to their involuntary withdrawal cannot register for or attend classes until the appeal process concludes. Grading Policy University of Rochester’s Grading Scheme - Customized for Warner School CoursesStandard: Normally used for all standard Warner classesGrade A ExcellentA- GoodB+B FairB- Below averageC Poor (matriculated students receiving two C’s will be dropped from their program)E Failure Alternate: Always used for ED 899 or 999; can also be used for independent studies, field experience courses, student teaching, internships, practica, seminars, etc.Grade S Satisfactory (passing)E Unsatisfactory (failing)Other I Incomplete (view incomplete grade policy below)IE Incomplete & failureN No grade reportedW WithdrawnImplications of Substandard Grades:Grades of “C” or below are considered substandard evaluations for matriculated degree students in Warner. Students who receive a "C" grade will receive a warning and should reach out to their academic advisor; a second grade of "C" will result in involuntarily withdrawal from the degree program. An “E” grade will result in the student being involuntarily withdrawn from the program. Incomplete Grade Policy Students may receive an “I” (incomplete) grade only by permission of the instructor, subject to the requirements outlined below. Incomplete grades should be documented and approved by completing and submitting the online Memo of Understanding: Incomplete Grades form.In accordance with Warner School policy, all course assignments and requirements in courses with incomplete grades must be completed within one year from the last day of class, but instructors can stipulate an earlier completion date. Students who receive reimbursements from their employers should check with them about the financial implications of an incomplete grade. A student may not have more than three courses or nine credits of incomplete grades. After three courses/nine credits of incomplete grades, a registration hold will be placed on the student account, and students will not be permitted to request any additional incomplete grades.International students may not receive any incomplete grades, due to the stipulations of their visa status.Failure to follow these instructions, submit the Incomplete Grade form, or complete the requirements by the established deadline will result in the instructor assigning a grade based on completed coursework. Substandard grades (an F or 2 Cs) will result in an involuntary withdrawal from the program. View the involuntary withdrawal policy below.Students enrolled in experiences that can span more than one registration period (e.g., comprehensive exams EDF55X, dissertation/thesis credit ED493/ED593/ED595, research apprenticeship ED496/ED596, or field experiences/internships) may not receive a grade until they have fully completed all the course requirements. These students should not be given an incomplete. Leave of Absence Students requesting a Leave of Absence (LOA) must work with the Warner School's Office for Student Success (StudentSuccess@warner.rochester.edu) or Registrar (registrar@warner.rochester.edu) to complete and submit the Request for Leave of Absence form before the term starts or as soon as an event occurs necessitating this LOA.LOAs are allowed for up to one full year. If the student remains unregistered beyond this year's time, the University will withdraw the student. (In some instances, the student can be reinstated, but if more than two years have elapsed, Warner will require reapplication.)Once the student submits this form to the Warner School Registrar, she will place the student on LOA. The student should be aware that:While a LOA will keep a student enrolled and has no impact on tuition awards, etc., it does place the student on inactive status;This status will affect the student's ability to take out loans and/or defer loan repayment;A student on LOA is not full-time and therefore not eligible for UR student health insurance;LOAs are not allowed in the term immediately preceding completion of the student’s degree program.LOAs cannot be granted retroactively. Students should direct questions regarding the LOA process to the Warner School's Office for Student Success or Registrar. Review more on the University's Leave of Absence and University Withdrawal policy. PhD Residency Requirement Full-time and part-time PhD students are required to meet a residency requirement.Defined: A student is defined as being in residence at the University of Rochester if they are registered and engaging with the University (laboratories, consultations with faculty members, or course attendance) with sufficient frequency and regularity to establish this status clearly.Full-time PhD: A minimum of one-year (two consecutive semesters) in residence while enrolled as a full-time student is required. Doctoral Dissertation (“999”) may not be used to meet the one-year residency requirement. Full-time residence requirements may be completed either during the academic year or during the summer.Part-time PhD: A minimum of two years (four consecutive semesters) in residence while enrolled as a part-time student is required. The minimum registration will be two courses, each carrying at least three credit hours, per semester, for four consecutive semesters. A student receiving grades lower than B (or S) in more than one-quarter of the courses for a given academic year may not be permitted to continue in the part-time program. Part-time residence requirements may be completed either during the academic year or during the summer. Refund Policy The refund policy below does not apply to matriculated students who drop all their classes, withdraw (or are withdrawn) from their program, or take a leave of absence for one or more semesters. For more information and the appropriate refund schedule for these types of actions, please go to: https://www.rochester.edu/registrar/policies.html#refunds Refund scheduleFall, Spring, or All-Summer Courses DroppedCounting from first day of term and not counting holidays or weekendsWeekdays 1-10 receives 100% refundWeekdays 11-20 receives 75% refundWeekdays 21-25 receives 50% refundWeekdays 26-30 receives 25% refundWeekday 31 to end of class receives 0% refundSummer A or B Courses DroppedCounting from first day of summer session and not counting holidays or weekendsWeekdays 1-5 receives 100% refundWeekdays 6-10 receives 75% refundWeekdays 11-13 receives 50% refundWeekdays 14-15 receives 25% refundWeekday 16 to end of class receives 0% refund Rematriculation Policy A student who withdraws voluntarily is eligible for rematriculation if the request is made within two calendar years of the date of withdrawal. A written request must be forwarded to the associate dean. The request will be reviewed by the program area in which the student was formerly matriculated. With the approval of the chair and the associate dean, the student will be eligible to register for courses. The student must meet with an advisor (assigned by the chair) and formulate a new program of study. A student may lose credit towards the degree program, even if continuing with the same degree program. Students who have withdrawn voluntarily and seek to continue a degree program must reapply if more than two years have passed since the date of voluntary withdrawal.Students who have been withdrawn involuntarily (i.e., dropped) from a degree program will not be readmitted to any degree program, nor can they reapply. Withdrawal Policies Involuntary WithdrawalA student will be involuntarily withdrawn from their program for the following reasons:Two “C” grades are received. If a student receives a grade of “C”, they will receive an academic probation notification letter and should reach out to their academic advisor. Receipt of a second “C” grade will result in involuntary withdrawal.An “E” (failing) grade is received.Failure to make sufficient academic progress.Once involuntarily withdrawn, a student cannot request reinstatement or reapply to their program.Inactive Withdrawal An inactive withdrawal will occur if a student fails to register for two years or more. Please see the re-matriculation policy above if a student is withdrawn due to inactivity and is interested in re-matriculating.Voluntary WithdrawalStudents are encouraged to voluntarily withdraw in cases where extended absences are warranted.Students who voluntarily withdraw may request reinstatement within two years of their withdrawal by submitting a letter to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. View the re-matriculation policy above.Students who voluntarily withdraw for two years or longer must reapply through our admissions department to be reinstated. Explore Students Welcome to Warner Academic Life Registration & Schedules Student Experience Finances Policies & Forms